Monthly Archives: May 2019

Setting Up Teams for Worksharing and Collaboration

With BIM 360 Design you can leverage teams to set up different types of collaboration depending on how you interact with different members of the project team. In this post we’ll explore how you might set up a team for your company vs a team for an external consultant. You can watch the video below to see it done for you (and gain a little extra insight) or you can skip right to the step-by-step below the video.

1. Access the Document Management screen.

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Creating Folders and Setting Permissions

Once your project has been created, you’ll want to create folders to store your data and to organize your data so that you can give access to the appropriate people. In this post you’ll learn how to make new folders, invite people to access those folders, and set permissions so that you can determine what people can do when they’re in those folders. The post also includes an explanation how roles and companies fit into your permission scheme.

You can watch the video below or scroll down to the step-by-step. Your choice.

1. Access the Document Management screen by clicking Document Management in the module selector.

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I Just Synced with Central – Where Are My Changes?

So BIM 360 Design uses BIM 360 Docs as its platform, right? Then why, when I sync with central, do I not see the changes in my model in BIM 360 Docs? To make sense of it, watch the video below or just skip past it and read on.

The answer is pretty simple, but it wasn’t obvious – at least not to me, probably because I’m not a Revit user. You see, syncing with central does not automatically publish the Revit model to BIM 360 Docs or BIM 360 Design Collaboration, even though it’s all the same platform. I’ve italicized publish because that’s the key word here. Unless you deliberately publish your Revit cloud model to BIM 360, you won’t see the changes there.

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