Tag Archives: BIM 360

I Just Synced with Central – Where Are My Changes?

So BIM 360 Design uses BIM 360 Docs as its platform, right? Then why, when I sync with central, do I not see the changes in my model in BIM 360 Docs? To make sense of it, watch the video below or just skip past it and read on.

The answer is pretty simple, but it wasn’t obvious – at least not to me, probably because I’m not a Revit user. You see, syncing with central does not automatically publish the Revit model to BIM 360 Docs or BIM 360 Design Collaboration, even though it’s all the same platform. I’ve italicized publish because that’s the key word here. Unless you deliberately publish your Revit cloud model to BIM 360, you won’t see the changes there.

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Adding a BIM 360 Account Admin

One of the first things you’ll want to do with your new BIM 360 account is add one or more account administrators. Why? First of all, you don’t want to be the only one with admin capabilities. What happens if you’re out of the office or unavailable for some reason. Second, what if you’re an IT Manager or in some other non-BIM role. You won’t want to be hands on with the day-to-day activities of creating projects, managing members, etc. You’ll be glad you added additional account admins to offload these tasks, for sure.

Adding one or more account admins is easy. Here’s how it’s done:

You can watch the video if that’s your thing…

Or you can follow the steps below:

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